Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I find myself tearing up with laughter at the wrong times...

I picked up GTA IV this week. I've loved the whole series of the games, but I've never played them to completion. I've found myself bored or frustrated with the game and I play for the sole purpose of killing sprees. I understand that people have fought these games, calling them a public nuisance; even citing the fact that you CAN go on killing sprees the very reason. I might be naive, but I can go on a killing in the real world... but I don't. The consequences for killing someone virtual is a warning level and having to run from fake police. The consequences of killing Felice from accounting is far more serious and far more likely to result in prison sex.

That being said, here is my review based on the quick amount of time I've spent playing the game. I'm going to focus on my observations more than Within the first few moments, more expletives have been spouted than in the entirety of Scarface. Hitting random pedestrians results in not only damage to your car, but blood stains on the paint. Breaking windows and hot wiring is required to steal a parked car, and pulling someone from their car to steal that sometimes results in a call to the cops reporting the car jacking at the scene. I jacked a convertible last night, owned by some self-righteous looking douche and his trophy wife... I was 3 blocks away before the wife started making noises, and a block later, she leaped from the car... Even virtual trophy wives are stupid bitches.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why am I doing this, and better yet, why are you reading it?

I was (and still am) a fan of Milk & Cheese comix. I took the name for this blog from these anthropomorphic lactose products. In these pages (I'm being an optimist) I will write about whatever runs through my mind. I have wide berth and a history with narcotics, so the topics will not fit any format, and, like the Spanish Inquisition, will be unexpected.

In the words of Milk & Cheese...

Merv Griffin!